19 January 2010

Hello, World!

From the day my dad brought home our first family computer, I tried to learn how to control it--how to turn my ideas into keystrokes, and from there, into output, a hybrid of my own knowledge and imagination, and the power of the computer.

To an adolescent boy, nothing is more enticing than control. To a nascent writer, mastery of an invisible world (along with a means of sharing glimpses of that world with others) is like a dream come true.

The first example in any book (these were pre-Internet days) about any programming language is the code necessary to print some text on the screen. Invariably, the illustration text is the simple phrase, "Hello, world!" (Actually, they usually leave out the comma, but that's another rant for another post.) So, I thought it appropriate to title this inaugural post the same.

Where this blog takes me, or if anyone cares, remains to be seen. Until then... Hello, world!